Cricket Keating and Michelle Habell-Pallan Receive UW Global Innovation Awards

Submitted by Whitney Miller on

GWSS Professors Cricket Keating and Michelle Habell-Pallan were recently awarded Global Innovation Funds from the UW Office of Global Affairs, which amongst other things provides seed funding for international faculty research.

Professor Keating and Habell-Pallan received support for their Plurifeminisms Across Abya Yala research, and they will use the funds to host a retreat and encuentro in Ecuador that will reconvene participants from the 2022 Symposium (Dian Million, Megan Ybarra, Cristina Burneo, Maylei Blackwell, and Betty Lerma) for collaboration on an edited volume.   

In addition, Professor Keating secured funds to lead a Democracy in Iceland Spring Break Study Abroad Program. In collaboration with Katrin Oddsdottir of the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, Professor Keating will design a course that explores the  innovative ways Iceland, rated for several years as the most equitable place for women by the Global Gender Gap Report, has met political, economic, cultural, and environmental challenges. The study abroad opportunity will begin in 2024 and last four years, and it will introduce students to Icelandic innovations in gender, constitutional, cultural, and environmental politics.
