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Cover of Bangtan Remixed. The cover has a pink background with yellow and white lettering. It features purple line drawings of the heads of BTS group members.
New Anthology Bangtan Remixed Features Associate Professor Regina Yung Lee
Book Cover for "Stories that Bind: Political Economy and Culture in New India": Title (black text) and subtitle (red text) are at the top of the image, stacked on top of one another, with the title being significantly larger is at the top in all caps. The authors name (Madhavi Murty) is at the bottom of the page. The majority of the cover is filled with color pencil drawings of Indian men and women engaged in various daily activities.
Madhavi Murty Honored with Outstanding Book Award by the International Communication Association
Illustrated outline of the boy band, BTS.
Regina Lee Delves into the World of Fan Translations in K-Pop // The Daily
Illustration of Ray Skywalker and Katniss Everdeen
Regina Yung Lee Quoted in The Daily on the Paradox of the 'Mary Sue' Archetype