Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
GenderTalk: Gender and Internal Migration, NCAER National Data Innovation Center Gender Hub |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Oral History, South Asian |
Dattani K. ‘Platform ‘glitch as surprise’: The on-demand domestic work sector in Delhi’s National Capital
Region’. City. 2020, 25:3-4 pp. 376-395. |
Publications, Articles |
Labor, South Asian, Urban Studies |
Priti Ramamurthy and Vinay Gidwani. “The Gender of Value: Punctuated Violence and The Labor of Care”, Feminist Studies, Special Issue: Feminism and Capitalism, 2021. |
Publications, Essays |
Anthropology, Political Economy, South Asian |
Priti Ramamurthy. "Translocal Householding", Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Special Dossier: Concept Histories of the Urban edited by Anupama Rao and Casey Primel, 40.1, 2020, 86-93. |
Publications, Essays |
Ethnography, Gender, Oral History, Political Economy, South Asian |
Kiran Asher and Priti Ramamurthy. “Rethinking decolonial and postcolonial knowledges beyond regions to imagine transnational solidarity,” Hypatia, Special Issue: Toward Decolonial Feminisms: Tracing the Lineages of Decolonial Thinking through Latin American/Latinx Feminist Philosophy, 2020, 1–6. |
Publications, Essays |
Asian American, Decolonial, Latin American, South Asian, Transnational, Women of Color |
Dattani K. ‘“Governtrepreneurism” for good governance: The case of Aadhaar and the India Stack’. Area.
2019, 52:2 pp. 1–9.
Publications, Articles |
Digital Humanities, Political Economy, Science and Technology, South Asian |
Priti Ramamurthy and Vinay Gidwani. “Towards a Queer Phenomenology of Social Reproduction: Insights from Life Histories of Informal Economy Workers in India” in Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues, ed. Marion Werner, Jamie Peck, Rebecca Lave, Brett Christophers, Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2018: 325-341. |
Publications, Essays |
Body, Oral History, Political Economy, Queer Studies, South Asian |
Vinay Gidwani and Priti Ramamurthy. “Agrarian Questions of Labor in Urban India: Middle Migrants, Translocal Householding and the Intersectional Politics of Social Reproduction.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 2018, 45:5-6, 994-1017. |
Publications, Essays |
Oral History, Political Economy, South Asian |
Priti Ramamurthy. “A Feminist Commodity Chain Analysis of Rural Transformation in Contemporary India,” in Routledge Handbook of Gender in South Asia, edited by Leela Fernandes. London and New York: Routledge, 2014: 247-259. |
Publications, Essays |
Feminist Theory, Gender, Indian, Political Economy, South Asian |