News Archive

Image Title Published
Michelle Morado
Michelle Morado, GWSS PhD Candidate, awarded impressive Crybaby Studios Residency
Yingyi Wang
Yingyi Wang Accepts Tenure-Track Job as Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at St. Lawrence University
Feminista Frequencies Book Cover
Monica De La Torre, GWSS alum and author of "Feminista Frequencies," featured in the Seattle Times
Image of Lambda Literary Finalists for LGBTQ Anthology
GWSS Professor Adeyemi's "Queer Nightlife" is a finalist for a prestigious Lambda Literary Award 
Feminista Frequencies Book Cover
University of Washington Magazine Profiles GWSS graduate student, Monica De La Torre's, new book "Feminista Frequencies" due out Spring 2022 from University of Washington Press
Fantasy Face in Trees
GWSS Professor Regina Lee's course, Feminist Science (Fiction) Studies, Featured on College of Arts & Sciences Spring Cool Courses List
Woman and Child on Traditional Boat on Body of Water in South America
GWSS Professors Michelle Habell-Pallan and Cricket Keating Set to Co-Lead a Microseminar on Plurifeminisms Across Abya Yala for the Simpson Center in Spring Quarter
Stained Glass Inside a Spanish Cathedral
Apply now for Study Abroad in Spain, co-led by GWSS Professor Michelle Habell-Pallan
Silhouette of people under a banner
Women in the Workforce article in The Daily features GWSS Professor Regina Yung Lee
GWSS Awards: Nominations Open!
Sticky Note that Reads "Update"
A New Way to Submit Updates!
Olympic Rings
LGBTQ Rights and the Beijing Winter Olympics
Illustration of Toxic Waste Being Dumped into Waterway
GWSS Graduate, Magdalena Angel Cano, Featured in Seattle Times Article on Duwamish Superfund Cleanup
Dr. Nina Kim Hanson Holding Certificate of Election Win
Congratulations to GWSS Alum, Dr. Nina Kim Hanson, for her recent election win!
Heart in Hands
A Big Thank You to Our Donors!
GWSS Dept. Chair, Shirley J. Yee, passes the torch to incoming Dept. Chair, Sasha Su-Ling Welland 
Ofrenda Podcast
GWSS Professor Michelle Habell-Pallán's Ofrenda Podcast is Featured in The Daily
Hijas de Cuauhtémoc Event Flyer
GWSS Alum, Dr. Martha Gonzalez, participates in 50 year anniversary celebration of Chicana feminist newsletter, Hijas de Cuauhtémoc 
GWSS Alum, Shuxuan Zhou, Develops Racial Equity Website for the City of Seattle
Chican@ Artivistas Book Cover
GWSS Alum, Dr. Martha Gonzalez, wins a gold medal for her book, Chican@ Artivistas: Music, Community, and Transborder Tactics in East Los Angeles
Queer Night Life Book Cover
CLAGS (Center for LGBTQ Studies) Fellowship winners, GWSS Professor Kemi Adeyemi and Kareem Khubchandani, join Margot Weiss to discuss their new book, Queer Nightlife
Flyer for Community-Based Archives Panel
GWSS Professor Michelle Habell-Pallan participates in panel on community-based archives
GWSS Resumes Admissions for PhD in Feminist Studies
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Conference 2021
Bettina Judd
GWSS Assistant Professor Bettina Judd's poem, "Not My Ancestors," featured by the Academy of American Poets on Poem-a-Day