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Michelle Morado, GWSS PhD Candidate, awarded impressive Crybaby Studios Residency |
Yingyi Wang Accepts Tenure-Track Job as Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at St. Lawrence University |
Monica De La Torre, GWSS alum and author of "Feminista Frequencies," featured in the Seattle Times |
GWSS Professor Adeyemi's "Queer Nightlife" is a finalist for a prestigious Lambda Literary Award |
University of Washington Magazine Profiles GWSS graduate student, Monica De La Torre's, new book "Feminista Frequencies" due out Spring 2022 from University of Washington Press |
GWSS Professor Regina Lee's course, Feminist Science (Fiction) Studies, Featured on College of Arts & Sciences Spring Cool Courses List |
GWSS Professors Michelle Habell-Pallan and Cricket Keating Set to Co-Lead a Microseminar on Plurifeminisms Across Abya Yala for the Simpson Center in Spring Quarter |
Apply now for Study Abroad in Spain, co-led by GWSS Professor Michelle Habell-Pallan |
Women in the Workforce article in The Daily features GWSS Professor Regina Yung Lee |
GWSS Awards: Nominations Open! |
A New Way to Submit Updates! |
LGBTQ Rights and the Beijing Winter Olympics |
GWSS Graduate, Magdalena Angel Cano, Featured in Seattle Times Article on Duwamish Superfund Cleanup |
Congratulations to GWSS Alum, Dr. Nina Kim Hanson, for her recent election win! |
A Big Thank You to Our Donors! |
GWSS Dept. Chair, Shirley J. Yee, passes the torch to incoming Dept. Chair, Sasha Su-Ling Welland |
GWSS Professor Michelle Habell-Pallán's Ofrenda Podcast is Featured in The Daily |
GWSS Alum, Dr. Martha Gonzalez, participates in 50 year anniversary celebration of Chicana feminist newsletter, Hijas de Cuauhtémoc |
GWSS Alum, Shuxuan Zhou, Develops Racial Equity Website for the City of Seattle |
GWSS Alum, Dr. Martha Gonzalez, wins a gold medal for her book, Chican@ Artivistas: Music, Community, and Transborder Tactics in East Los Angeles |
CLAGS (Center for LGBTQ Studies) Fellowship winners, GWSS Professor Kemi Adeyemi and Kareem Khubchandani, join Margot Weiss to discuss their new book, Queer Nightlife |
GWSS Professor Michelle Habell-Pallan participates in panel on community-based archives |
GWSS Resumes Admissions for PhD in Feminist Studies |
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Conference 2021 |
GWSS Assistant Professor Bettina Judd's poem, "Not My Ancestors," featured by the Academy of American Poets on Poem-a-Day |